Hillsborough Rail Trail NH

• 4-star trail
• 7 miles each way
• Moderate | Low gradient
• Hillsborough - Bennington, NH | Monadnock Region
.   NH Rail Trails   The image shows an old, overgrown railway track running parallel to a dirt path through a dense forest. The railway track appears to be abandoned, with vegetation encroaching on the tracks and the surrounding area. Only this brief section of rail track remains on the trail.

Take a bike ride through the New Hampshire forest between the towns of Hillsborough and Bennington, and you’ll enjoy a shaded route along the former Contoocook Valley Railway as it traces its way along the banks of the river.

Much of your journey will be under woodland canopy, past ponds and other wetlands, with peek-a-boo views of the wider scenery available at some road crossings, and alongside the length of the local airfield runway.

Unpaved for its full length, thankfully the grade of the railroad bed remains sufficiently elevated to avoid flooding in almost all circumstances. However there are a couple of sandy sections that make cycling difficult – including one along the airfield. I was able to power through them, though some may prefer to walk their bike through these areas.

Rough   No Access   Parking  
4★ Hillsborough Rail Trail   7.4 miles each way, moderate, gain 160ft (120ft S-N)
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When starting from the North, parking is readily available at the beginning of the trail. We’ve also mapped out more of the former railroad route in case you’d like to explore some more of the trail heading into Hillsborough. We were able to cycle a little more of the route along West Mill Street, and we picked up the dilapidated former station in the middle of town.

The Southern end of this ride terminates at a very active paper mill and a gated-off trestle bridge that crosses road and river to the Southern bank. There’s a short access route between the trail end and Antrim Road that we’ve marked on the map, should you want to explore more of the river, mill and trestle bridge. Some parking is available nearby if you’d prefer to start your journey at the Southern end of the rail trail.

Trail Conditions: Hardpack surface good for more rugged cycles. Possibly walk the short sandy section near the airfield. Mostly flat in both directions.

The image shows a scenic view of a river with a railway bridge crossing over it. The river appears to be flowing rapidly, possibly due to recent rainfall, as indicated by the turbulent water and the frothy appearance. The bridge is supported by stone pillars and is surrounded by lush green trees, suggesting a forested area.
A raging Contoocook River under the trestle bridge

The image shows the interior of a dilapidated and partially collapsed wooden structure. The roof has caved in, and debris is scattered across the floor. There are plants growing amidst the wreckage, indicating that the building has been abandoned for some time. The sky is visible through the large gaps in the roof, and trees can be seen outside the structure.
Hillsborough passenger railroad depot has seen better days.

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