Bear Gulch Caves, Pinnacles CA

• 5-star hike
• 2 mile loop
• Easy | Gain 470 feet
• Paicines, CA | Pinnacles National Park
The image shows a scenic outdoor location with a group of people hiking and exploring near a body of water. The landscape features rocky terrain, sparse vegetation, and a clear blue sky. The hikers are spread out along a trail that runs parallel to the water, with some individuals closer to the water's edge and others higher up on the trail.
Cooling off at Bear Gulch Reservoir.

Pinnacles National Park is a celebration of geology and nature in a way that is very different from other parks around the San Francisco Bay Area, and is not to be missed.

The Rim Trail and Bear Gulch Caves Trail route is a short looping trail that when taken in a counter-clockwise direction climbs gently into the foothills of the Pinnacles landscape offering excellent park views, includes a visit to the shores of the small Bear Gulch Reservoir, before descending into a chasm and talus caves where the trail snakes around voids in an ancient rockfall.

This is a perfect trail for kids and those interested in a short and varied hike. Handrails are present in caves and in stepped areas, but are most safely negotiated with a flashlight inside the caves.
5★ Rim & Bear Gulch Caves Loop   1.8 mi loop, easy, gain 470 ft
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The trailhead for our trail is Bear Gulch Day-Use Area which is accessed from the east park entrance and at most times can be reached only by shuttle bus from the visitors’ center 2.6 miles away. There is no road connection between the east and west park entrances. Pinnacles experiences high attendance, so plan on arriving early to avoid a queue of cars at the park entrance and the subsequent line of people for the shuttle bus. Bring plenty of water and clothing appropriate to hot weather - aside from the caves, there isn’t much shade in the park.

Entry fee to Pinnacles National Park is on the high side but that does cover seven consecutive days of park use. The east entrance also has camping facilities.

Others may prefer to combine this short loop with the spectacular High Peaks & Condor Gulch loop for a 5.5 mile & 1,630 foot hike to the highest spires of the Pinnacles rock formations. We've covered the High Peaks in more detail in a separate trail review of a route from the western park entrance. If you're interested in tackling the High Peaks from the east side, we recommend the foot High Peaks & Condor Gulch route from AllTrails (8.5mi & 1,900 ft gain) that we've linked at the foot of this page.

The image is a side-by-side comparison of two scenes from a hiking or caving expedition. The left side shows a person descending a rocky path inside a dimly lit cave, using a handrail for support. The right side depicts a group of people in a narrow canyon with a large boulder precariously wedged between the canyon walls above them. A ladder in the background suggests the path continues upward.
Descending into the Bear Gulch Caves Trail.

The image shows a rugged, rocky landscape with a clear blue sky. There are large rock formations and scattered trees, with a person walking along a dirt path. The scene appears to be a hiking trail in a mountainous or hilly area, possibly in a national park or nature reserve. The terrain is dry with sparse vegetation, and the person is wearing outdoor gear, suggesting an adventurous hike.
Admiring the expansive views along the Rim Trail.

• Official: Pinnacles NP
• AllTrails Public: Moses Spring & Rim Trail Loop, Condor Gulch & High Peaks
• Facebook Group: Comment, Follow Us

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